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The Healthy Mama Series - Meet Amanda

My  Healthy Mama Series keeps exceeding my expectations. These precious ladies are so inspiring not to mention motivating. But what do we do after read these amazing stories? How do we get that motivation to get up and keep going? I think Amanda Ah Sue has the answers. She is joining the series today to push all of us - with a free printable too! 

For me, I love a good workout and squeeze one in most days (for my sanity), but there are other areas where I need a push. I keep putting off big plans because of fear. This post may push me to try harder - so wherever you are in your goals, Amanda wants to help. This post is coming at the right time.

Motivation can be such a beast! You know what to do, but you just can’t get yourself to do it, right? You should be eating better – you should exercise, but you just don’t want to. You’ve lost that motivation to get going.

Why? Because it hasn’t worked in the past?
That doesn’t mean you can’t succeed now. You can absolutely have the healthy, sustainable lifestyle you want! Motivation has 4 steps that make those healthy changes realistic:

Your purpose is your foundation. It will become your drive and push you forward when you want to quit.

How exactly do you find your purpose?
Dig deep! Honestly evaluate what you really want. Do you want to look like those pictures you keep liking on Instagram? Or do you just want to feel more confident wearing shorts?

What impacts the personal, family, social, professional and spiritual aspects of your life? Striking a balance between these will help solidify your foundation. It basically lets you layer your sources of motivation so you have several things pushing you forward when you want to quit.

If you’re ready to hone in on your purpose, download your free motivation worksheet.


We can all agree that nothing happens without taking action, right? It’s important to have a solid foundation, set your goals and make your plans. However, it’s all talk until you do something about it.

Accountability can act as the bridge between “knowing” and “doing.” There’s no right or wrong way to be accountable.

Here are a few examples of ways to stay accountable:

Yourself: calendar, reminders, phone, journal
Partner: regular check-ins, workout partner, exchanging knowledge
Groups: lots of knowledge, group goals, multiple accountability partners

We all respond differently, so find what works for you and stick to it.


Have you ever tried to walk on a balance beam? Think about what it takes to do it:

Clear your mind.
Look at the bar.
Get on the bar.
Raise your head slowly.
Look straight ahead.
Raise your arms for added balance.
Start walking forward.

You can picture it, can’t you?

Now, what would happen if the scenario was slightly different?

All of your friends are around. You get up on the bar. Your kids are begging for your attention. You hear your phone ring. You take one step forward. Someone behind you yells your name. A whole lot of chaos and a lot less likely you’re going to walk that beam, right?

So what was the difference?

You were focused on everything else around you, you stopped looking at the beam and you stopped using your arms for additional balance.

What does that have to do with a healthy lifestyle?

In order to stay motivated, you have to clear your mind, keep your eye on your goal and use the resources you already have.


I’m sure your goal is NEVER to fail after 14 days. Who would EVER do that!? Unfortunately that doesn’t change the fact that too often, we turn to boring, bland diets – only to be disappointed when our results don’t stick.

Here’s the thing: if you want different results, you need a different approach!

Instead of asking “How do I get the fastest results?”
Ask this: “How do I get long-term results?”
When it comes to a healthy changes, my general rule of thumb is that if you can’t do it for the rest of your life, you probably shouldn’t do it.

I know you have the motivation to kick-start your healthy lifestyle, but in case you want some extra help, I created a free motivation worksheet just for you. You can do this!
Amanda is an average, busy 30 year old, works full-time and tries to keep a balanced life. She started blogging because she was sick of seeing her friends and family get frustrated by diets and intense from the start programs that didn’t work. She’s determined to help other busy women create realistic, healthy lifestyles on their own. She’s not a trainer, but lost 30 lbs on her own, has sustained a healthy lifestyle for 5+ years and wants to teach you to do the same.

Do yourself a favor and follow her! Her tips and motivation will help you make that change you need.  Thank you for sharing, Amanda!

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