I am a creature of habit. I like routine. I like to plan and know what’s coming next. But guess what? Nothing in my life has gone according to MY plan. Here I am, still trying to get out of another comfort zone and start something big for me. I want a place for me to share, help, laugh, vent, and celebrate. So here’s who I am…
I am the youngest of three, the wife of one, the mother of two. But, I am the daughter of one amazing mom and my heavenly dad. Yes, my dad has passed away. I seriously hate writing that sentence. It’s been 13 years, and I HATE writing that darn sentence. Life was moving along; I graduated from college, met a cool guy, got a great job. Then, BAM. I was completely ripped from my comfort zone, and life as I knew it was drastically changed forever.
My dad was a book nerd like me; we loved drinking in great books and how amazing words could be used to tell a story, to teach a lesson. We just loved words. In fact, when Dad and I got into an argument (where he was ALWAYS calm. And right.), we would write down our thoughts (I wrote down my apologies). I still have those notes, and I savor them just as I would Thoreau or Harper Lee. I learned from this awesome man that words have a power that can do so much for people. You can read them over and over, you can save them for future reference, or you simply get lost in them for however long you chose.
In the years since losing him, while becoming a wife, a mom, a counselor, then a SAHM, I devour words from blogs, news articles, devotionals, and all kinds of books. Words do not cure me, but they sure as heck help me get through some dark days. They make me laugh, cry, but most of all they make me feel like I am not alone - not one little bit. So that’s my hope. I hope to once again, forget the comfort zone and do something a little crazy. I am going to use my words.
I love my life, I really do. My kids rock, my husband is great, but so much keeps changing in my life, and it can be hard to keep up at times. Lately, words have released some of my anxiety about the changes, and I feel loads lighter. And there you have it. I pray my words can help someone as much as they help me write them. I hope my dad would be so excited to hear I am using something he loves to calm my anxious heart.
So why the blog name? I knew I wanted to write. Maybe no one will read it, but I need to get my thoughts out into these words. Like I said, blogs and the like have really helped me since becoming a mom. I look for advice on pretty much everything (if you ever saw my Google history, I would faint from embarrassment, and you would probably run far away from my blog), and most posts I’d find would give me hope that the next day would be a better one, a good one, a productive one. In fact, at night, I always end my prayers that tomorrow would be great. In the mornings, I pray that this day would be better than the last. And to be honest, most days, I fail. But, I still keep saying these same prayers. When I was trying to think of that perfect blog title. I wanted something to let others know that tomorrow is always a new day. You mess up, but you clean up that mess and try again. I don’t get it “right” hardly ever, but darn it, I keep trying. And I know many amazing women who do just the same. Hell, my dad died, and I am still here. Only God knows how that happened, but I am thankful for all the new days after and all I have learned in the days since that loss. It’s that simple, I am thankful. I keep trying. I get by with the help of many rad people. And I remember, there’s always a new day to make yourself better. Even if it’s one little smidge of betterment, I’d call that a success. So I hope my words help someone out there - someone who needs to know you can go at it again….”our inner selves are renewed day by day.” Let’s do this….let’s embrace this new day together.