I hope you all had a weekend of fun! I know we sure did - I was able to spend a nice dinner with the hubs on Friday, and then a mama night out on Saturday. There are just some times when you need to take a break from all the responsibility to laugh and enjoy others - and to eat dinner in peace.
I am so thankful for those that take the time to be quiet with me. I need it more than ever these days. You know I have blogged about my anxiety, and for some reason these last few weeks, I have seen it increase unexpectedly.
My husband has been exceptionally busy at work which means impromptu meetings and late night work sessions. With the back to school craze going on, I feel as though I have been going uphill alone. So, when this weekend rolled around, I needed to be kid-free for a bit, and I am so blessed for reliable peeps who are there for me. This includes a sweet, caring babysitter, an understanding hubby, and two people who NEVER let me down - my sister and my dear friend, Kristin. It never fails that these two hear my cries and run to help. Thank you both for a great dinner and great laughs over the craziness that is adulthood. I hope you have your core group - whether it's 2 or twelve - who come to your aid always.
And this thought brings me to something that has been brewing during these anxiety-ridden weeks. I need to take it down a notch with all things life. I have been letting small things REALLY eat me alive and wear me down. It's been a bit ridiculous, really. So this week, this is my motto - SIMPLICITY.
From my meals to my plans, I am going simple. I am not making major plans that require too much thought and angst. I am not spending time planning out glorious meals for the week. I am focusing on what I DO have and not what I DON'T. And, I am so thankful I have people who understand these wise words someone posted on Facebook this week.
The best friends in life are the ones who know you're busy and love you anyway. They love you even when you don't call. They get it that you read their text message and replied in your head.
They love you even if it's been six months since they've seen you. They don't get mad or manipulative. They don't play head games or try to make you feel guilty if you need to stay home and take a hot bath instead of meeting up for coffee on the only free night you've had in a month.
Good friends understand "seasons" of life ... and they give grace to you for the season you're in. I'm thankful today for friends like this.
I want to be THAT friend.
I want these things for all of you as well. Keep it simple. Have a great week, friends.
I'm linking up with Life of Meg and Mom Favorites - check them out!
With Love,