name='p:domain_verify'/> Always A New Day : June 2015


A Review

Oh here she goes again...talking that Beachbody stuff. Why, yes I am. You know I love my workouts, but there was one thing that I wasn't so sure about over one year ago.

In January 2014, I knew I had to get my health in check - for me and for my family. I purchased the 21-Day Fix to do just that. I considered Shakeology, but since I was a new stay-at-home mom, I didn't want to pay so much for this product. 

So, I resisted. I also kept using my protein powder to make my shakes, And, I kept snacking on anything chocolate I could find. No Oreo was safe in my house. The cravings were routine - I NEEDED an afternoon snack or mocha or something sweet to "keep me going." Little did I know, these sweet cravings were slowing me down. 

Just a few months ago, Shakeology once again appeared in my life, and I was able to try a sample. I had 3 samples of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla that were suppose to last me 3 days. They lasted 1 1/2. Why? Because they were so darn good, and the kids slurped them down like nobody's business. The next day, my son asked for one for breakfast - I mixed in some banana, spinach, and PB2. Jackpot - picky eater guzzled down his shake in no time. After school that day, he ran home begging me to make one more; hence the reason we ran out so quickly.

I went back to my coach to get information yet again about the cost of Shakeology. We talked through it's benefits and costs. We talked through my fitness goals and accomplishments. We talked about my future in fitness. And, now here I am using products I love and drinking my Shakeology. Why did I wait so long?? Now two months in with my shakes, I see such a difference. 


I no longer crave the sweet stuff. If I do, I make a quick shake and get my chocolate fix taken care of quickly. And, I no longer snack on Oreos and Chips Ahoy. I felt empty after those treats; now I feel full.


This part is not just for me but for my entire family - especially my kids. My son loves to create his own smoothie every single day. I love that my picky eater is getting nutrients he may not get otherwise. My toddler is a big fan too.


I have my shake right after my morning workout then I feel so energized to take on the day. On the mornings I don't follow this routine, I feel sluggish and unmotivated. When I put all these changes together, I knew my new routine was the reason I felt so much better to face the day 

Saving $

The cost was my first complaint. But, then I thought about my afternoon runs to Starbucks or all the snacks I use to buy, and I was sold. It's a full meal so the cost is cheaper than running out and picking up fast food. Also, the protein powder I use to put in my shakes was pricey as well. And, it didn't fill me up like this one does. 

If you have questions about Shakeology, reach out and find someone who can help. Grab a sample and see for yourself. I am sad I waited so long, but I now know it's worth the wait. 

I give it 5 stars :)

Happy shakin', friends!

Weekly Meal Plan

We had a fun weekend of treats and good times! On Friday, the hubs and I went to see Garth Brooks. He rocked it! It was so much fun to hear all the good music - some songs I had forgotten about completely. We treated ourselves before to pomegranate margaritas and cheeseburgers.

My cousin and her husband also came into town which means one thing. Wine. And, we head their way next weekend so .... more wine. 

Someone liked the selfie stick :)
This week, I planned my meals on Saturday and hit the store with my little crazy. She did well this time though she did scream "CAKE POP" when we walked by the Starbucks. Luckily, a cheese station and some free samples calmed her down a bit.

Like I mentioned in this post, I make one involved meal then usually a protein and veggie for dinner the other nights.  So, here's what's cooking -

Monday - Poppyseed Chicken and green beans (because...Ritz crackers, y'all) NOTE - this isn't the healthiest of choices, but my portion will be small, and I want it. So there. :) )

Tuesday - Chicken Fajita Salad (we will cook fajitas on Sunday again and always have a bunch leftover - this salad will consist of romaine lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, and black beans topped with the chicken and fresh salsa as the dressing)

Wednesday - Broiled Honey-Lime Salmon and Balsamic Butter asparagus

Thursday - leftovers from all the goodies from the week

Friday - Out to dinner

For some quick breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, I am going with the turkey/egg white scrambles and some turkey wraps (anyone else love these Flat Out wraps??). And check out this snack the kids gobbled up - Banana Splits! See recipes below.

Turkey/Egg White Scramble - 4 egg whites plus 1 
whole egg scrambled.
Add in cooked ground turkey

Turkey/Avocado Wrap - deli turkey, 1/2 avocado, 
grape tomatoes, and fresh spinach.
Place ingredients in Flat Out wrap, roll, and enjoy!

Banana Split Snack - 1/2 banana sliced length-wise 
but not all the way through.
Fill with all natural peanut or almond butter and chocolate chips.
Wrap in foil and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.
When cool, scoop out the yumminess with a spoon.
I know next weekend we will indulge because of the holiday and getting together with family. I've already planned my workouts for the week so I can be ready!

And teacher friends, don't forget our back to school challenge! Contact me if you want more info - the 21 Day Fix is a great workout and meal planning program. There's even an app to keep track of your progress. 

Happy Monday, friends! What are you cooking this week??

This week, I'm linking up with Moms Favorites and Life of Meg :)


Friday Finds {Vol. 5} - Overcoming Anxiety

I like to save Fridays for fun finds that make my life easier. But for this Friday, I want to share something important - what I find helpful for overcoming anxiety. 

For 13 years, I worked as a teacher and a counselor. I really did enjoy these jobs and the people I encountered everyday. When I had my son, this love for the job began to change, but I was unable to stay at home at the time. Fast forward many years later, and I learned I was expecting #2. We made some changes, and I started my new job with my kids.

But, let me tell has been HARD. I know, spare me the sob story of not having to work. Working moms definitely deserve kudos because it's a tough, tough thing to do in many ways. Yet, there's one thing I suffer with on a daily basis - anxiety. And good ol' anxiety rears its ugly head often now that my roles have changed. I didn't expect it to do that, so I am often caught off guard. I don't see my awesome former co-workers (whom I am blessed to call friends) hardly at all. I miss them. I miss getting up and getting dressed in nice clothes. I miss helping others. 

After the first year of staying home, I had to find ways to feel okay. I had to step outside the comfort zone so I could be the best at my new job.  These three things really helped this change happen.

Establish Routine

Believe it or not, I still work. It's just that my little employees like sippy cups and goldfish :) I can't be a good mom to them if I don't feel good myself. So, I started getting up just like I would when I go to work. I get up, workout or have my coffee, then I shower and get dressed for the day. I don't like how I feel  if I don't do this routine, and it somehow gives me strength I need to make it a good day.

Make New Friends

Since most of my friends are teachers, I had to go out and make new ones. In my late 30s. This endeavor definitely upped the anxiety. But, I joined a moms group and met some nice moms at different classes for the kids. It's not an easy task for me, but I have met some truly awesome friends during this experience. You have to reach out more often - plan play dates, meet for lunch, or just text/call when the toddlers are going crazy, and you may need a hug. Or a glass of wine. 

Find Something for You

I am the perfect target for all things "work at home." I have been asked to sell nail polish stuff, face creams, name it. And, I am SO happy for my friends who are rockin' these products - I admire their drive. But, I kept thinking in my head - what makes me happy? What do I enjoy doing? And since I was a teacher, I love creating - whether it's a written creation, an awesome recipe, or a workout. I sat on these ideas for a while, and later created (ever so slowly) this blog. 

But, I wanted a platform. Nothing makes my anxiety lessen more than exercise. Nothing. I love how I feel when I do it, and I have noticed a significant change in my well being. And, I am a nicer mom (most of the time). I also found a product I could support because I use it on a daily basis to promote my health. 

Whether you want to write, cook, sell, promote, sing, dance, or whatever makes you happy - working or not. FIND IT. Research it. Share it. I know I am in the right season of my life for what I am doing now. I still get anxious, but I find it's not severe, and now I know how to combat it. That's a huge win for me. 

And I find my anxiety decreases with support supportive. In today's mom world, there's too much judgement and competition. Applaud those who work outside the home and celebrate those who do the same inside. 

As a mom, my anxiety will always be present.  I monitor how I respond to life every single day. I miss my friends and students a great deal. But, I feel much better now that I have followed these steps as I stay home. I love how I can share my journey when I am still living it every single day. My workouts, routine, new friends, and new goals have given me a purpose I thought I lost when I stopped working. No matter your life plan, stop for a second and think about what really makes you happy; what really takes away that anxiety, and do it. 

Remember, there's always a new day...always. 


Workout Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!

Today is the perfect day to share my weekly workout routine because it's #workoutwednesday :) I hope this post helps someone see how you can make it work - in any lifestyle! First let me say that I am not perfect. I like wine. And queso. And chocolate. I use to consume these things quite often, but now I limit myself. My point is - I'm real. I like treats - A LOT. But, for the most part, I've been making better choices about how I take care of myself. So here's how I work off all the good stuff:

Monday - Shed n Shred Boot Camp! Our class meets on Mondays at a local park. The best part is that my son (who is 6) LOVES to come with me. Many of the moms have to bring their kids, and that's okay! There is a great playground right next to where we work out so it's perfect. And, he gets to see his mama work hard. Our workout is made of HIIT training routines, and it's non-stop awesomeness.

Tuesday/Wednesday - I have recently started to wake up earlier than the kids to get a workout in before the chaos starts. I cannot tell you what this does for my day - it gives me confidence to make better food choices and energy to keep up with my littles. I have done the 21-day fix, T25, Piyo, and I'm now on Body Beast. I LOVE THESE WORKOUTS. It feels like I went to the gym, but I am in the comfort of my own home. If I need something quicker on the days that I'm lazy or I have a talkative boy next to me, I just do a quick tabata like this one here

Thursday - Shed n Shred some more. NOTE: Houston folks, there is a Cypress location or one in the energy corridor if you're interested. Let me know, and I can direct you.

Friday - I do a home workout or I head to the gym if it's my hubby's day off. I get in a run there and do some strength training.

Saturday/Sunday - I run! I just started running, and in fact, I completed a 10K in February. I am not good beyond 3 miles on most days, but the feeling after a run is pretty awesome. I never thought I could be a runner, and now I love it. I used this schedule to prepare for my 10K. I am planning on a 10K in August and MAYBE a half marathon in December. Fingers crossed!

Recently, I had a working mom say to me how nice it is for me to work out during the day. I cracked up. There is NO way a workout can exist for 30 minutes or longer if my littlest is around - she is either sitting on my head or demanding a snack which is why I get up earlier. My workout routine would be the same if I was still working. If something gets in the way of the morning workout (like sleep or coffee), I do this workout with busy girl in tow.

And there you have it. I make it work, and you can too. If a workout video is not for you, check out Pinterest! It's FULL of home workouts that will leave you sweating in no time. I would love to hear your routines. I am always looking for something new. Stay fit, mamas!


Friday Finds {Vol. 4}

Today, I'm finding these workouts to be great for completing at home. I am currently working through Body Beast, and I LOVE it. Nothing like some sore muscles to make you feel stronger. You can check out how this program works by clicking HERE. I would love to guide you more on this workout out - send me an email if you want more info! Don't be scared of lifting weights - strength training is necessary in any fitness journey.

I look for ones that are 20-40 minutes long. Like I mentioned before, tabatas are my favorite. Grab the app and create your own workout - or check this one out HERE.

Or, try these finds on this great Friday -

This first one comes from my boot camp instructor, Megan. It was no joke! If you have some free weights, give these exercises a try:

(Links to some workouts are accessible by clicking on the exercise name. Find other examples by clicking HERE, HERE, and HERE.)

The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen
Workout #1 - Complete 3x (rest one minute between sets)

Alternate front kicks - 50 seconds
Bicep curls - 15 reps
Burpees - 50 seconds
Hammer curls - 15 reps
Sumo squat jumps - 50 seconds
Arnold press - 15 seconds
Grass hopper - 50 seconds
Lat raise - 15 reps
Glute kickbacks - 50 seconds
Reverse grip press - 15 reps

Workout #2 - Do each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat up to 3x.

Jumping jacks
Wall sit
Alternating shoulder press
Chair step-ups
Tricep dips
Bicep curls
High knees
Side plank - left
Tricep kickback
Side plank - right

Workout #3 - 20 minute pure cardio

Jog in place - 2 minutes
Jumping jacks - 1 minute
Jog in place - 2 minutes
Burpees - 30 seconds
REST - 30 seconds
Jog in place - 2 minutes
High knees - 1 minute
Jog in place - 2 minutes
Squat jumps - 30 seconds
REST - 30 seconds
Jog in place - 2 minutes
Plank jacks - 1 minute
Jog in place - 2 minutes
Burpees - 30 seconds
REST - 30 seconds
Jog in place - 2 minutes
Fast feet - 1 minute
Jog in place - 2 minutes
Squat jumps - 30 seconds
REST - 30 seconds

"Just believe in yourself. Even if you don't, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will." –Venus Williams, in an interview with ABC News' John Schriffen ... TRUTH!! :)
Disclaimer - I posted quite a bit of exercises and you may need to watch the video tutorials before trying the the workouts.  Also, please preview the exercises so you can do them correctly.

My mission is to show ANYONE how fitness can work in your schedule - if you can't find time, MAKE time. If you give a regular workout schedule a try, in 3 weeks, it will become a habit you can't quit. Your brain benefits too - who doesn't want increased brain power?? Let's do it!


Vacation Detox

We just returned from a fun trip to Mexico with our dear friends. While we did workout once, we indulged even more - all inclusive. Need I say more?

Our travels did take a toll on my body, and I am paying for it this week. Here are some ways I am getting back into the groove.


My latest search on Pinterest was "vacation detox" - no lie. I found a couple of recipes and already tried one. Our return grocery trip included shopping the perimeters - only fruits, veggies, dairy, etc. My insides are tired of guacamole and mojitos.

This recipe was dinner last night minus the cheese. And check out these bright and delicious veggies. Yum. 


Y'all know I love this good stuff! I made my favorite shake this morning, and it filled me up and got me going for the day. Here are many reasons why I love this goodness - it fulfills my cravings and keeps me full.

Working Out

I'm not going to lie, I have been on the struggle bus (my new favorite term) since I got back from our trip. It's crazy how 3 days of treats and libations can turn your world around! I made my workout calendar for the week - I usually mentally prepare, but I felt like I need to commit to these "appointments" and get crackin'! For me and the good ol' OCD, when it's written down, it feels like a commitment (plus I have a secret obsession with marking things off a 'to-do' list #OCDstrugglebus).



Wait...what's that? Didn't I just do this on my vacay? Well, for now, rest is saying NO so this weekend we can have family time. No packing, no rushing, no commitments - just no. We don't say no often enough, so I am looking forward to a cozy weekend around the house. Try it - you and the fam will thank me!

I will be back later this week with some workouts for you to try. Until then, enjoy your week!


Giving Grace


Life can be so overwhelming some days; most days I’m floating around then it’s bedtime. I’m cleaning, cooking, washing, refereeing, errand-running, playing - you name it. I have a bit (and by that I mean a WHOLE LOT) of OCD tendencies -  I like order and cleanliness, and I was working too hard trying to make this house look nice every single day. Then, I would wake up and do it all over again.

And then I started to realize I was getting myself into a never-ending cycle. My house would never be clean as it once was. Meals will never be fancy or on the good china. And life seemed to just keep going on around me - no matter how many loads of laundry or toys thrown all over the house. So, I had to give myself grace. I wish I could do away with the OCD, but instead I thought of how long I dreamed of this - mess, laughter, little shoes, Hot Wheels, and dolls all over the place. A home. A family. If this house was messy, then it just meant life was happening. A good life. I had to stop and remember. Grace.

After working in schools for 13 years, I had to adjust to a new normal when I started staying home. I had to find my stride, and it took a LONG time (and tears, questioning, a non-sleeping baby) before I figured out how to do this mom thing and this "me" thing. I wanted to find a part of me that seemed lost - I longed for something just for me. So, I searched. And asked. And questioned again. I knew what made me happy and released some of my self-inflicted pressure. Fitness is where I am now. It’s my "me" thing at this moment, and it's not perfect. Do I workout everyday? No. Do I eat Oreos when I want one? Yep. Grace.

I am a mom, a wife, a friend, a daughter...but I needed something more for me. I knew what was making me feel human again - like Kim again. And, I wanted to do something more with this fitness gig. I pondered over it for quite some time - I did my research. Then, I would find something scary, freak a bit, and hide. It was a repeat cycle. But, there was a voice in my head pushing me to step outside my comfort zone and spread a message about how fitness helps me beyond the physical aspect. I took the step and waited. The answer came slowly. Grace.

My story is simple. Working out and making better choices just MAKES me happy. Is everyone going to understand that? Nope. Will there be critics? Of course. While I know it’s going to be bumpy, I am going to surge on because it’s making me better. It’s taking the overwhelming and often repetitive days and giving the person in me another purpose. Beyond this mom role - which is my most rewarding and tiring of them all - I am a human being who has found something that makes me feel good on the inside. I pray I can get this message across in my work - if just one person gets it, it will make it worth it.

And if I fail or falter, I will keep on trucking along. Because….grace.

**speaking of grace - I will be on vacation the rest of this week. Sun, fun, and grace. I'll see you back here on Monday**


Tabata Time {Legs}

If your summers are getting busy, squeeze in this tabata for some strong legs! I threw in some quick cardio as well to keep your heart rate going. You can visit this post to see how a tabata works. Don't forget your tabata timer!

Tabata #1
Forward lunges
Jump Rope
High knees

**forward lunge - see great demo/explanation here

Squats - standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and chest up, sit back and down like your sitting in a chair. Keep thighs parallel to the floor and put your weight in your heels. Stand, squeeze that booty, and repeat.
Tabata #2
Curtsy lunge
Jumping jacks
Sumo squats
Butt kickers

Curtsy Lunge - keeping your torso tight, take a big step back with one leg and cross it behind the other. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your front thigh is parallel to the floor. Stand and repeat. 
Sumo squat - standing with your toes pointed out and feet a few inches wider than your shoulders, lower yourself as though you are sliding your back down a wall. Keep your weight in your heels. Stand, squeeze your booty, and repeat. 

Tabata #3
Wall sit
Side shuffle
Reverse lunges 

**reverse lunge - see great demo/explanation here 

Wall sit - place your back flat against a wall 
as though you are sitting in a chair with thighs parallel to the floor; hold the position.

Tabata #4
Glute bridges
Jog in place
Calf raises
Ski jumps

Glute bridge - lie flat on your back and raise your hips by driving your weight through your heels; hold. 

Calf raise - raise your heels and roll onto the big toe; squeeze at the top, release, and repeat.

Quick core routine to end your sweat session -
Elbow plank - 1 minute
Side plank - left for 30 seconds; repeat on the right for 30 seconds 

Repeat this tabata depending on your fitness level - 1-2x for beginners and 3-4x for advanced. Did you notice your booty burning too?? Let me know if you have questions!

Go get it, fit mamas! 


The Toddler Workout

When I was working, I would often get up early or save the workouts for the evenings, and guess what? Not much has changed since being home with the kids. But, there have been some times that I “try” to work out when Emmy, my toddler, is with me. That, my friends, is quite the sight to see. My main motivation to work out is for “me” time and for a stress/anxiety reliever. Having lil’ miss sitting on my back, head, or stomach is not exactly a stress-free work out environment. But, if I miss a morning workout or the evening is too crazy, I try and make an Emmy workout happen. We go outside and hit the pavement! Here are some tips to make a workout happen with your little one!

Find a good place to walk/run

We usually go to a local park with a walking trail or cruise around the good ol' neighborhood. I aim for 30 minutes of workout time when Emmy is involved :) Find the best place for you! One nearby trail has a park/playground too so we frequent that one often! The playground is a nice reward for lil miss letting me exercise. Look in your area to see if there is such a place for your toddler workout!

Pick a good time to move

You know your little one best! Close to nap or bedtime may not result in the most stress-free workout. Try after breakfast or maybe in the evening after dinner. If we go in the evening, we stay close to home and walk/run around the 'hood.

Prep your little one

I don’t have the best jogging stroller on the market. In fact, there may or may not be some duct tape patching up a few tire holes. But, hey, we make it happen. I make sure Em has her favorite drink and snacks as well play music she likes too (she’s a Bruno fan - sister can sing some Uptown Funk).

Get your workout on

We start with a 5 minute brisk walk. After the 5 minutes is up, I stop and do the following exercises - one set at at time (example: after the first 5 minutes of walking, stop and do 10 push-ups; after another 5 minutes of walking/running, stop and do 10 lunges, and so on for the squats and dips).


Tricep Dips

You can walk and/or run for your 5 minute bursts of cardio - whatever you feel like you can handle! Repeat until your walk/run is over or your child demands freedom (with Emmy, it's usually 30 minutes. She is not a fan of being confined)!

And there you have it - a strong workout with the babe.  I do prefer to be alone while working out, but sometimes life and babies happen. You just have to make it work! And I promise you will feel so much better after you move - your family will thank you for it!

Stay tuned...I'll share what I do when it's too HOT to hit the road!

Friday Finds {Vol. 3}

Right now, I feel like belting out Olaf's tune..."in summerrrrrr!" Frozen fans, anyone??

We have made it - our first year in the BIG school. I can't believe in August, I was crying watching my baby boy get on a bus to head to kindergarten. Now, here we are - alive, well, and ready. It's summer, friends!

Let's get started on what I'm finding this first Friday of summer...


The boy got off that big yellow bus for the very last time, and mom got him! I wanted a way to really celebrate summer - a silly string attack worked perfectly. Even better? A pool/pizza party with friends complete with special summer goodies. We will be in this pool quite a lot in the next few months.

I use this calendar for all our good times happenin'. The boy keeps us social, and up first, he's going to Grandma's. He has been counting down the days until he's with his granny and cousins. I am so excited for him. 

Mom and Dad are off soon for a vacay of our own. Freedom. Beach. Beverages. That's all you need to know :)

Meal Prep

Speaking of plans and travels, I don't want to fall too off track when on the move, so I plan to prep some meals to take with us especially with a road trip this weekend.

Here are some of my favorite snacks for the road:

  • mixed fruit (berries and grapes for sure) for everyone
  • KIND granola bars - we love the Oats n Honey
  • Chicken apple sausage (found at Costco) - I plan to cook some up and use in my breakfasts and some lunches while we are gone (cooler required for travel)

  • Shakeology - my go-to breakfast every day. I prefer it mixed with almond milk, but water works just fine too! 

Summer is a great time to go with the flow, not have a schedule, and just see where the days take you. But, I don't plan to stop my workout routine. Starting June 15, I am starting a challenge group for serious folks who are ready to see just how fitness can change you for the better. This challenge group, above all, will help each one of us stay focused. Training schedules and a meal plan too! 

I'm still challenged on a daily basis (says the Cracker Barrel biscuits I couldn't avoid last night). I need support which is one of the reasons this challenge is so important to me. I've changed - inside and out. It's the inside part that keeps encouraging me to go further - I hope I can be that encouragement for you. Shoot me an email at Even if it's just a question, I'm here for you!

Enjoy your weekends! Happy summer days are a ahead, my friends!


Tabata Time

It's getting hot here in Texas, so the outdoor workouts may be on hold for a bit. When I can't get outside, it's TABATA TIME!

A tabata is a quick, yet intensive workout that has you movin’ and sweatin’ in no time! I love these workouts because they are higher intensity in a short amount of time. If you have 20 minutes, then you can fit a great workout into your day!

Here’s how it works:

Go grab a Tabata Timer app - it’s free and will keep track of the workout for you.

Each tabata has 8 rounds - 20 seconds of work; 10 seconds of rest. You push yourself as hard as you can for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds until you complete all eight sets. Here’s an example I like to do at home.

Tabata #1
Round #1 - Butt kickers
Round #2 - Plank Jacks
Round #3 - Butt kickers
Round #4 - Mountain climbers
*Repeat the sequence for rounds #5-#8

Tabata #2
Round #1 - Ski jumps
Round #2 - High knees
Round #3 - Ski jumps
Round #4 - Squat jumps
*Repeat the sequence for rounds #5-#8

Tabata #3
Round #1 - Butt kickers
Round #2 - Plank jacks
Round #3 - Butt kickers
Round #4 - Mountain climbers
*Repeat the sequence for rounds #5-#8

Tabata #4
Round #1 - Ski jumps
Round #2 - High knees
Round #3 - Ski jumps
Round #4 - Squat jumps
*Repeat the sequence for rounds #5-#8

Tabata #5
Round #1 - Plank
Round #2 - Side plank - left
Round #3 - Side plank - right
Round #4 - Plank
*Repeat the sequence for rounds #5-#8

Boom! A tough workout in 20 minutes - try it before your coffee, during naptime, or after the little ones fall asleep! If you're feeling CRAZY, add it to another workout (like the Piyo I'm doing now)! Let me know if you have questions or if you try this tabata! Stay fit, mamas!
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