Due to the holiday weekend and said tummy troubles, we shopped on Monday for our weekly goods. To make it even better, I drove a bit to find our nearest Whole Foods for our goodies. There will not be anything fancy on the menu - I am going simple and nutritious. We need it.
Here's our weekly menu for our post-holiday fun -
Monday - Spaghetti with whole wheat pasta (kid favorite). I will use ground turkey and add in some pureed veggies to the sauce (spinach, carrots, celery). I am trying to limit carbs after 6 pm, so I will serve mine over zucchini. Speaking of, I need one of those gadgets that makes the zoodles. Hold please while I search Amazon.
Tuesday - Tilapia with cauliflower mashed potatoes. I will most likely make a cucumber salad for the side since our cucumbers for the garden are huge!
Cauliflower Potatoes
1 head of cauliflower
sea salt and pepper
4-6 cloves of garlic
1/3 c. extra virgin olive oil
1/3 c. skim milk
Parmesan cheese
- Clean cauliflower and break into large pieces.
- In a large piece of aluminum foil, tightly wrap cauliflower and peeled garlic cloves that have been seasoned with salt and pepper.
- Place in 350°F oven and bake for 45-55 minutes or until tender.
- Put into casserole dish and mash to desired consistency.
- Add EVOO and milk and mix in well.
- Add cheese and season with salt and pepper as desired.
3 fillets tilapia - thawed
1½ Tbl chili powder
½ tsp cayenne
1½ tsp black pepper
1 Tbl smoked paprika
½ Tbl onion powder
½ Tbl garlic salt
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp ground thyme
2 tsp brown sugar
1 to 2 Tbl olive oil for cooking
- Put all the spices and herbs together in 1 small bowl and mix to combine.
- Place your thawed tilapia on a plate.
- Take ½ your spice mix and rub into each piece of tilapia.
- Turn your tilapia over and rub the other half of the spices into the tilapia.
- Cover with plastic wrap and put into your fridge 1 hour or longer.
- Remove tilapia from fridge while heating 1 to 2 Tbl olive oil in a large frying pan on medium high heat.
- Place your tilapia in pan and fry 4 minutes on 1 side.
- Turn over and fry 2 to 4 more minutes until fish is cooked throughout, it should flake apart easily.
Wednesday - Chicken taco salad. I love this taco seasoning my friend Kristy shares over at Seven Graces. Top this chicken delicousness on some chopped romaine with black beans, avocado, and salsa for the dressing. The kids will make tacos with all these fixins!
Thursday - I never got around to my salmon from last week so I am adding that back to the plan for this week. On Thursday of last week, we visited some friends, and our commute home was 2 hours instead of 30 minutes. Thanks, Houston. So, I stopped at the nearest kid-friendly restaurant and celebrated car freedom with this treat. Oops.
Friday - We will head to a local Mexican favorite and celebrate a cheat meal and surviving a stomach bug. The worst, y'all. That alone deserves a margarita.
Whatcha got cookin' this week?? Hope you are making good choices this week! July is in full swing now.
See where I'm linking up here :)

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