name='p:domain_verify'/> Always A New Day : Friday Finds {Vol. 26} - My Confessions


Friday Finds {Vol. 26} - My Confessions

It's been a week, friends. This almost threenager I have is making me WORK. I am so grateful for her spunk and personality - those traits get me through the rough days. But, man oh man, she's something else. I thought for this week of Friday Finds, I'd confess a bit about our week. Not much happened, but enough did to warrant a good confessional. So, here we go...

Confession #1

We are in the EARLY stages of potty training. I have not been too excited for this milestone. In fact, I have put it off for a while now because she already makes me sleepy - what in the world would potty training do to me?? She has shown signs of interest, but we are going slowly. She has had some successes to my surprise and excitement (like, too much excitement, but moms can feel me on this one - when it actually happens, you feel like a million bucks). Yet, Tuesday was one for the record books.

After insisting on no pull-up, I let her run around bare-booty and all. I reminded her 273 times to "let Mommy know when you need to go," and followed her around like a loony toon. I turn my back for one hot minute and hear, "I DID IT!" I am about to do a cartwheel that it actually happened, but a certain object ON MY RUG stops me in my tracks. She did it alright - just not where she would suppose to.

We will get there, right?? Someone encourage me right now. This is one milestone that can make an anxious mommy run for the hills.

Confession #2

Potty training and other stressful events have led me to a new drink. So, I guess I should be grateful because this fun cocktail ROCKS. I made them on Sunday and after said potty incident, I needed another. I squeezed the fresh lime juice and poured the goodness in a cup. Only, I turn my back for a second, and the threenager/potty trainee pours a cup of water into my treat. First, my find on the carpet; second, my desperately needed cocktail watered down. I confess I had a quick pity party.

It would make for a good reality show, folks. I made myself another and prayed the next day would be better.

Confession #3

On March 30th, I lost a dear friend to cancer. Her service this past weekend was perfect - full of faith, God, and strength. Our sweet Lindsey left us with her favorite Bible verses, and I am treasuring my time going through each and every one of them. I am confessing that I need these verses in this season of grief and chaos.

My favorite and current source of strength is Romans 5:3-5.

I am CLINGING to this one - God will pull us through suffering. He will build us, shape us, and teach us. My sweet friend, Lindsey, believed this verse with her whole heart as she battled this terrible disease. So through grief, anxiety, and a rough day with my crazy girl, I will believe it too.

Happy weekend, friends! What are you confessing today?

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