This week's Friday Finds are a few great bloggers with a passion for sharing and influencing others. This community is a great one!
I'm answering some questions from the Semibalanced Mama - thanks for the nom!
1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love connecting with other bloggers - I learn from each of them and can relate to their posts and topics. My favorite bloggers inspire my words and my blog overall.
2. What is a blog achievement that you have?
Just seeing ANY views on my blog is a dream come true and an accomplishment for me. I always wanted to start a blog, and I am excited it's real now!
2. What is a blog achievement that you have?
Just seeing ANY views on my blog is a dream come true and an accomplishment for me. I always wanted to start a blog, and I am excited it's real now!
3. What has surprised you the most about blogging?
A blogging friend once told me it takes her 2-3 hours or longer to create a post. At first, I thought NO WAY, but it's true. Blame the OCD or the desire to put out good content, but it does take time to get a post where you want it.
4. Right at this moment what is the song that would best describe your mood and this moment in your life?
Drink You Away by Justin Timberlake. Two reasons - I love him and I am picturing a glass of wine after a long day with a busy toddler!
5. What is your favorite number and why?
339. Random to some, but it has special meaning for me and my dad who has passed. It was my nickname for him. It was our little inside joke. Miss him.
6. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you say to them?
See above. We would have some gumbo and a beer and discuss life.
7. What is your favorite post that you have written?
I would say my favorite post was the first one that started my little blog. This post about Change was the first I shared and the ones that made this place home for me.
8. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Hawaii! I've never been, and I want to go so badly. To see paradise would be amazing!
9. Who is your biggest inspiration?
My maternal grandmother. If possible, I would make her a saint. She endured such loss in her life yet she never gave up on her faith. When I lost someone important to me, she talked to me about keeping my belief in God. Those words are so important during grief.
10. What is the most random fact about you?
I love People magazine and getting lost in another world. I always wanted to write for them! I could do without the Kardashians though :)
11. Is your life how you pictured it would be when you were younger? Explain!
Oh my gosh, not at all. Life has been way harder than expected but even more beautiful too. I have lost very important people in my life, and I am still going because of my God and my family. They are beauty to me!
I am excited to nominate the following blogs:
Amanda @ Mommy Go Run
Heather @ Trix Are For Moms
Becky @ Welcome To My Life, Part 2
Trish @ Momma Needs Caffeine and Jesus
Husna @ The Beauty Mascot

I can't wait for these awesome bloggers to answer these questions - go check them out soon!
1. What is your biggest goal for 2016?
2. How do you spend any "me time" you may have?
3. Why did you start blogging?
4. If your readers could read ONE post from you, which one would it be and why?
5. Where is your favorite place to travel?
6. What is a favorite recipe that you would suggest for everyone to try?
7. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and who would go with you?
8. Describe yourself in ONE word.
9. What is your favorite movie and why?
10. What is one beauty product you cannot live without?
11. Share a favorite quote, Bible verse, or song lyric that motivates you.
Thank you again, Semibalanced Mama, for nominating me! This nomination has been fun for me - I love sharing other great bloggers!

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