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Friday Finds {Vol. 24} - My Birthday List

High five, it's FRIDAY! We have a three day weekend to celebrate Easter, AND it's my birthday. Normally, I wouldn't shout that from the rooftops since this year is my last in the 30s, but I am in desperate need of some celebration. Since life has been heavy, I need something light. Welcome to this week's Friday Finds - My Birthday List. My husband keeps asking what I would like for my birhtday so I thought I put together a list of some practical gifts. Consider it a little gift guide for this tired, crazed mama.


Sleep. I want to wake up on my own. I don't want any children to scare me into the day with their face in mine. I love them dearly, but when your 7 year-old creeps in about 6:30 am on a weekend and asks if he slept will jolt you into the day for sure. I would like some sleepy time then to wake up at my pace and prepare for gift #2.


Coffee. Like, a whole, hot cup in one sitting. I NEVER get to finish my cup - blame the toddler, the 1st grader late for the bus, or the laundry that beckons. I use to wake up extra early just for the quiet and the coffee, but on my birthday, I just want to wake up and drink in peace. The coffee of my dreams would be in a fun little mug, and I would sit gingerly on the couch and sip until my heart's content. A cup I don't have to reheat 37 times, please.


A long shower. No children allowed in the bathroom at this time either. No toddler trying to see if my liquid eyeliner is her color. I might even wash my hair AND dry it with an actual hair dryer. Put on some make-up and non-workout clothes and just be cute for a hot minute. If I see little fingers under the door, it doesn't count and my time will start over. It's my birthday, I make the rules.


A solo trip to Target. No, I don't have a list. Maybe hand me a gift card on the way out the door for an added bonus. Me, the red cart, and let's be honest - a Starbucks. Also, please be patient too because I plan to casually make my way up and down the aisles taking in all the goods. Honestly, if you can't work out the other gift ideas, I'll just settle for this one. Alone in Target = vacation.


Quiet. Take the kids, run some errands, see what it's like. I may be here on the couch confused by the stillness but enjoying it nonetheless. I do have some Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Fixer Upper to watch on the DVR, so no rush at all. Enjoy those sweet kids. You've got this, honey.


While you're out, if you see anything in the form of a chocolate cupcake, I'll take one, please. Grab one for yourself. If you make this gift guide happen, you deserve a treat, too.

Birthdays sure have changed when you get older, and on a serious note, I am thankful for a husband who will probably make a few of my wishes come true. Starting Friday night when we have quiet, kid-free time with wine and friends! 

What would be your perfect birthday gift? We all deserve the quiet, the coffee, Target, and the chocolate. Pin this nifty gift guide if your big day is coming soon. I say use these ideas for Mother's Day too! These gifts are universal. 

Cheers to 39! It's going to be a good one!


  1. Sleep, coffee, and a long shower. UMMMMMM yes!!!!! I loved this! Happpiest birthday to you!!!! Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  2. I'm literally nodding my head in agreement to every single one of these! Yes. Yes. YES! oh lord help us sweet momma's! Happy early birthday! Hope you get at least ONE thing on your wish list :)


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