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A Slumber Party

I wanted to title this post something like How to Be a Good Friend When Your Friend is in Crisis or How to Keep Your Friend From Going Crazy. But, I'll keep it simple. I am almost 40 (gasp), and I went to a slumber party on Friday. Like, put on your jammies, get some junk food, talk about boys kinda slumber party. And, it was a blast.

When my brother passed away in January, so many friends asked what they could do. They took me for drinks, watched my kids, brought me wine/dinner/etc. We had a private service for him, so many friends wanted to do something to help me cope since they wouldn't be at his service. Since grief is not new to me, I knew what I would need - once all the chaos slowed down, and people returned to normal, I wanted to "get away" with my girlfriends and be real. Real tears, real talk, real laughter...just a time to gather 'round my peeps - minus kids - and just have FUN.

And we did.

We ate cupcakes.

We laughed. We laughed A LOT.

We watched a movie - a WHOLE NON-CARTOON MOVIE. I even stayed awake for the whole thing.

Then, I slept so peacefully (though we went to bed late, and my natural alarm clock now goes off so early. Darn kids).

If you have a friend who is going through anything hard, check on them even if you think things are okay. If you can, kick your kids and hubby out (in a nice way, of course) then get on your pajamas, open some wine, indulge in some goodies, and just laugh.

Mom life is already tough so when there is a crisis too, it's really suffocating at times. For the first time in two months, I felt really happy.

Thank you, sweet friends, for a fun night. I cannot wait until the next one.


  1. Such a good friends you have :)

  2. Looks like so much fun! Love the comment about the non-cartoon movie. What are those? ;)

  3. Those cupcakes look awesome!!! I wanted to thank you for leaving a comment on my blog post about the Mom Guilt. It came across as a no-reply email so I wasn't able to respond back directly to you. Thank you for the support!! xoxo

  4. Wow! So many amazing movie suggestions here and I also like to know when does baptiste go live? I am waiting to watch this piece of entertainment.


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