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Friday Finds {Vol. 14} - Finding YOU

You know I love my workouts. You know I TRY to stay healthy. But do you know how it all started happening for me? I am so lucky to have my mentor and friend to guide me along this crazy journey; I am so blessed she let me share my story on her blog. You can just out my guest post HERE. Check it out! While you're there, make a note to keep up with Tiffany - she rocks!

There’s so much to say about my story. I could start with the worry wart I was when I was younger. How that worrying increased to anxiety when my dad died. How I struggled with anxiety more so when kids entered my life because I constantly worried something would happen to them. That this anxiety easily turned to depression when it got really bad. How all of this went on for many years before I finally figured it out - I figured out to make me feel whole again.

I had my daughter in 2013. We struggled to have her so when I finally got pregnant, I made it my mission to make a dent in my couch and eat all the food. I knew it would be a struggle to get the weight off, but I couldn’t bear to risk anything. Hey there, anxiety. When she turned about 5 months old and decided sleeping just wasn’t her thing anymore, the rut became deeper, and I felt so lost. You see, I worked as a teacher/counselor for 13 years. When I had my daughter, I chose to stay home with my children. Yet, this new job was HARD, and I felt so lost and just plain gross - inside more than out. I HAD to find myself again.

Then comes along this little gem called Instagram and up pops this transformation of an amazing mom. She’d been there. She totally understood it. I reached out, and she reached back. Within a few weeks, I was doing an exercise program that fit with a non-sleeping baby. I was determined, and I was feeling so much better. A few months down the road, Instagram saves me again, and I find a new boot camp in my area and decide to give it a go. I was the only “student” that day, and I was terrified. I got a friend to join, and between the two programs, I was feeling better and stronger. I was feeling so much like a person again - that feeling had but disappeared in the months prior.

Suddenly, my routine was all I ever dreamed of and more. Sure, I could see changes in my body, but I FELT SO AMAZING. Not only that, but I became friends with these Instagram buddies, and they understood me. They pushed, cheered, and supported me day in and day out. But, there seemed to be one piece missing. And one year after I reached out to my friend, Tiffany, I decided this life was for me. I wrote down my goals - start a blog, get healthier, and get certified. And, I am all of those things right now. Dreams do come true, friends.

My message to that mom is - find YOU again. Yes, you are an amazing mom. Yes, it’s one heck of a tiring job. This job can play tricks on your emotions when you’re suppose to be on an amazing mom high. REACH OUT. Oh, that last one is SO important. Reach out to someone and share where you are and where you hope to be. I am not done, and neither are you. This journey has ups and down, twists and turns, but you deserve a healthy life - for the inside more than the out.

My transformation story is still going. And, I know I can’t stop it - ever. I can’t go back to the sad, anxious mom I was before these changes. Find YOU. Find your person amidst the mommyhood, amidst the diapers and temper tantrums, amidst the days you don’t get to shower and just want to cry. Reach out and FIND YOU.

I am so excited to share my story HERE and HERE! Go check out these awesome blogs!

With Love,


  1. I love this. It's important to find/care for yourself! I, too, became pregnant and ate all the food...

    1. I found you from the friday linkup- I'm not a stalker... :)

  2. Haha! Thanks for stopping by!! I love food - not going to lie! I just have to stop eating all of it ;)

  3. Oh and how's this for stalker? I clicked on your blog and realized I've read yours for a while!! Ha!


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