name='p:domain_verify'/> Always A New Day : Friday Finds {Vol. 33} - What I'm Loving


Friday Finds {Vol. 33} - What I'm Loving

Well, my friends, it's been too long since I have posted some Friday Finds here on the little blog. I come across so much fun that I need to share the goodness.

Without too many words, here's what I am loving this Friday!


I've shared a bit about the Mother/Son Kickball game fundraiser we had this past weekend. I wasn't too sure how I'd feel about my kickball skills, but that all went to the side when the game started. The boys were PRECIOUS and pretty darn determined. But....don't underestimate the drive of a mama. I haven't laughed like that and just let loose in quite some time.

And the time with my big boy...priceless. If you need a fundraiser idea (and want to kick some kickball booty), this idea should be on your list. PS. Moms won.


I've been promising my little one we'd make Valentine treats, and we all know the mess that can occur when it all happens. So, we settled for these simple, fun, and perfect little gifts for teachers and neighbors! Here's how you can make these Chocolate Covered Wafers.


Wafer cookies
Vanilla Almond Bark
Sprinkles/Candy treats

Melt almond bark according to the package. Dip your wafers in the melted chocolate and place on waxed paper. Shake sprinkles or candy treats onto chocolate dipped section then allow to harden.

You could use any flavor wafer - try vanilla wafers, vanilla almond bark, and green sprinkles for St. Patty's day!


In case you missed our latest plans, you know we are in limbo with a possible move. I can't lie and say I am not scared/anxious/worried/excited, but I am so thankful I came across UpNest. Click HERE to see how they help get you moving. You can see my moving tips for the busy mama HERE.


S'mores Girl Scout Cookies are the newest addition to their yummy cookie collection, and I have to say WELL DONE, Girl Scouts. Or, maybe I should curse you because they are NOT good for the healthy eating. And, I cannot have just one.

I'm also loving my weekend long runs. I did 7 last weekend with 9 on this weekend's agenda. MY HALF MARATHON IS IN THREE WEEKS. Pray. Hold me. Pray some more. I just keep picturing my kids at the finish line. They may be waiting a while for me, but I will be at the end somehow, some way!

We've got a little road trip this weekend to see friends. I loved this post I found while perusing my favorite blogs. How genius are the window decals? If you see a black SUV cruising through Texas with all the stickers, make sure to give us a wave, ok?
And what about you? What are you finding FUN and FAB on this Friday?

No matter what, enjoy your weekend, my friends!


  1. Love the wafflers! They look good and easy to make, thank you for sharing

  2. You are the cutest with your lil man!! GOAlS!!! And what a cute and yummy treat! Happy weekend friend!

  3. Girl scout cookies are my waistband's enemy. I just can't resist the coconut ones... gah, take them away!!!

    1. ME TOO! My husband bought so many - I am giving them away now. I cannot say no.

  4. Those wafers sure do you like delicious and you are too cute playing kickball!

    1. They are so easy and yummy! Ha - thank you! We had fun!

  5. I haven’t checked in here for a while since I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend :) search engine optimization firm 


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