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How to Maintain Valuable Friendships in a Busy World

Life is so crazy when you have little ones. Life is really just crazy when you're trying to adult. If I have learned anything in the last 6 months, it's that I desperately need my friends. I need their prayers, their understanding, their hugs, their laughs...and their time. That last one is SO hard when you are a mom whose first priority is family. But, when life gets tough - sick kids, loss, job change, or just plain ol' stress, it's my friends who give me strength.

So, how do we maintain any friendship - new or old - when we are busy, tired moms? I am NO expert because I have failed in some areas myself, but in our adult life, maintaining these relationships are dire to our well being. We cannot do life alone - it helps when valuable friendships cover us like a blanket. To comfort, protect, and love.


If you are like me, talking on the phone can be a chore when you have little ones at your feet. You know those calls - you want to catch up with a friend, but you have to stop mid-sentence to correct or shush. And sure, we can interact on social media, but a good phone call may amp up your soul. I have to admit - I am terrible at this part.  During any alone time I have, I find myself collapsing in exhaustion, and a phone call is the last thing I can do - nothing valuable will come from that. Maybe make time to call and/or talk - yes, set an appointment for that communication. We schedule kid's activities and such so why not a good chat?

Do Not Compare

I'm sharing this one because I have found myself here lately. In the midst of hard times, it can be hard to see friends sharing fun and happiness on Facebook. I want to be jovial and carefree (right there with them), but grief and/or anxiety sneak in too much. But, just like with ANY life event, we are all in different seasons of life. Your hard may be different than a friend's hard. And more importantly, when it IS hard, never compare. Meet them wherever they are in their journey. Be present. Be patient.

Keep Plans

When I make plans with someone, I try so hard to keep them - mainly because I desperately need other human contact. A dinner out with a dear friend or even a weekend away can restore your soul. Sure, kids take precedence, but carefully select when you can meet and keep the date. These friends may need this time with you so badly. And if you can't make it because you JUST can't - darn the overwhelming life we lead - be honest. A good friend will understand.

Laugh. Laugh A lot.

This past weekend, my college roomie came in town. She had some time off from work and chose to spend it with me (insert joy emoji). We can laugh like crazy fools when we are together - we reminisce; we dissect motherhood. I loved this time with her - our goofy fun came at the perfect time.

I have to also mention my sweet friend, Amanda, who is also on a grief journey. We share texts on our rough days that would probably weird out some folks, but to REALLY share what I feel with someone who "gets" it then end up laughing? My favorite. Just keep laughing - no better person to laugh with than a friend.

What are some ways you maintain friendships in this busy life? My friends are my world, and I know I am not the perfect one, so I am all ears on how keep my sweet friends close!

1 comment :

  1. I love this post. Friendship and support is essential for everyone
