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Making Dinner Easy Again - With Hello Fresh

Disclaimer: The post is sponsored by Hello Fresh. As always, the opinions expressed here are 100% my own. Thanks for supporting Always A New Day!

The meal planning. The grocery store trips. The food prep. The cooking. And don't get me started on the clean-up.

Feeding your family can be tedious - throw in picky kids, and you might as well just pour yourself a glass of wine, pour them a bowl of cereal, and call it a day.

For me, I will take ANYTHING that makes dinner time easier which is why I loved Hello Fresh. They decide the menus, and you decide which of their plans fits best for your hungry family. A couple clicks later, and you have dinner plans for the week. From the ease of ordering to the happy plates that are made, I highly recommend making dinner easy again with Hello Fresh.

And stay tuned for how you can get a discount with your first box!

The Ease of Ordering

Hello Fresh has three menu options to try - Classic, Vegetarian, and Family. You can easily navigate their site (or there's an app for that) to see what's cooking for each plan and pick your shipment date. We did the Family Plan for 4 which gave us PLENTY of food for our little fam - leftovers, too!

The Quality of the Product

Each meal is organized into these convenient boxes - it's all there for you to get dinner on the table ASAP. From the garlic in its separate packages to the cutest little jars of honey, you will get the best products that come fresh and ready to cook.

The Kids Will Be Happy

After a long day, I do not want to fight over just one more bite or hear "I don't like that."  In fact, the kids were even more excited than this tired mom to open the delivery and help cook! For our spaghetti bolognese, this guy asked for my apron to get cracking on peeling those carrots.

And the result? Happy bellies and requests for more pasta, please! WIN WIN.

So next week, instead of loading up the kids and your grocery list, log on and get your Hello Fresh. And how about a little treat? Purchase your first box and use the code KIMR35 for $35 off your first box (first-time customers only). Just click the logo caption below and your world is about to get so much better!

It's the little things, my friends. I can't wait for my next box.

What are you cooking this week?


  1. Can't wait for mine next week! This will be a life saver for me - I hate grocery shopping and meal planning!

  2. Yum! I've been wondering how Hello Fresh is, and might have to give it a try!

  3. There meals are the best! So yummy and simple!

  4. Love that the meals are organized together in boxes. I tried a meal service a couple of years ago and I remember everything was just in the box and it wasn't as easy to sort everything.

    1. Yes! The box and organization is my favorite part.

  5. I'll look at this. Looks like you had a great experience with it!

  6. This looks delicious! I've been thinking about trying out Hello Fresh for a while -- and I think you just may have convinced me! Thanks for sharing!

    Annie |

  7. Tonight I had popcorn for dinner (the kids are at piano and will probably stop for subs on the way home with their dad) but you've inspired me to up my game tomorrow! Any meal I've seen with Hello Fresh has looked so appetizing!

    1. We are on week 3 and love it! It makes life so easy!

  8. What a great service! We need dinners that are super quick to throw together since my hubby and I get home from work late :)
