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Writing Your New Year's Resolutions

I just found last year's resolution post about my 2016 plans. Wow. To be honest, it sounded like a stranger wrote them. When my brother passed away in mid-January life changed. And it's still changing.

Now, I am sitting down to think about 2017. It has to be better - just has to be. I don't want to write down too many resolutions because I feel anxiety if I don't make each one happen. But, I do need to write because writing will always be therapy for me. So, I am creating more honest resolutions this year and want to share my template with you.

We are a week shy of the New Year, and some recent down days are trying to push me in a dark hole, but instead, I am giving myself an assignment. I need a good brain dump - mine is swirling with what ifs and what could be for the next year. I may even have a touch of the post-holiday blues - the excitement and buzz are winding down, and those things have been good distractions for grief/anxiety. So here it goes - some thoughts to consider when thinking of the year ending as well as plans for the new one beginning:

  • List the highlights of 2016. What did they teach you?
  • List the hard parts of 2016. What did they teach you?
  • What are you most proud of from 2016?
  • How do you plan to continue that success?
  • Make a physical goal for 2017 (eat better, get leaner, eat out less, try new recipes, try a new workout)
  • Make a mental goal for 2017 (worry less, show more affection towards others, be more generous with your time, sleep more, say 'no' more)

Use this guide as you dump out your thoughts for next year but make them realistic for you. My wish is that all of us busy, tired moms will take more time to remember the person behind all of the duties and obligations - think about what you want for this new year. You can bet I am doing just that because I NEED this year to be good. I need to turn the page to something more.

When I read my resolutions from last year and read about my clean eating plans (hahahahaha) and how I would eliminate anxiety once and for all, it was almost comical. Life had other plans and those plans sure did stink up the place, I am a worrier. I just need to fight harder to not let the worry take over. Grief is going to come in waves, and I will surround myself with all of my highlights and proud moments - my family, my friends, and my sweet readers.

I'd love to hear from you - what are some of your highlights from this year? What do you hope for in 2017?


  1. Thank you for what must have been a difficult post to write. I think this is a great list, too!

  2. Highlights include doing something scary that I'd been wanting to do for years and never had (competed in Mrs. Virginia) and using that as a platform to bring awareness to fighting child sex abuse and unknowingly gaining a lot of acceptance and finding forgiveness in the process. In 2017, among the many things I hope to do, I want to give my children more memories for the holidays than presents. Hoping a destination Christmas will be affordable this year!

    1. That is an awesome and AMAZING highlight - wow! What a great example you are setting for your children. Congratulations!

  3. NYE resolutions can be so difficult. Thanks for this.

  4. My goal for 2016 was to get more 'Me time' and put myself first again every once in awhile. It was a huge success and my year was much better because of it. My goal for 2017 is to figure out a way to get more time with my kids.. :)

    1. I love that goal - I am firm believer in ME TIME! You are going to do awesome this year, too.

  5. Great advice. I need to sit down and write mine but a top priority is to get more clients so I can ditch my current firm and open up my own firm. I've realized that is the only way I will have the freedom to be there for my son without giving up my career.

    1. That is amazing - good for you! I bet this will be your year.

  6. As part of my Sanity Plan, I've defined the 5 things I want to work on - and I'm going to set one goal for each every week. Super simple.

    1. I like that idea of a Sanity Plan and defining those things. I am going to try it! Thank you!

  7. I absolutely love this guide and will be utilizing it when planning my goals for the next year. I too let the worry take over at times and it can be so hard and put such a damper on things. I'm hoping to work on that as well this next year.

    1. We can work on it together. So hard, but I feel more determined than ever.

  8. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. I like the way you consider the previous year when you are making resolutions. I think that is a great place to start.

    1. Thank you! I have to do just that - this last year was one of the hardest, but it taught me so much.

  9. This is a great way to plan 2017. I want to list down based on this suggestion. Thanks!

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