name='p:domain_verify'/> Always A New Day : October 2018



A Letter To My Son - On His 10th Birthday

My first-born, my baby boy, turns 10 this weekend. I'm having a hard time with the double digits - it feels as though time is just slipping away. Have I done enough? Does he know how loved he is? At this age, I love that he can read this letter on his own and KNOW how special he is. Happy birthday, Griffin. God sure did bless us with you. 

To my son – on your 10th birthday,

I’ll be honest, Griffin. Turning ten is hard for me. While you want to be double digits and get more into your big kid status, my heart sinks just a bit. Ten years ago, you stubbornly came into this world a week later than planned. And from that moment, my world flipped. The first night at home, we put you to sleep on a large Boppy pillow. While your dad snored away, I stared at you all night long. Out of fear, probably. But, mostly out of sheer amazement that you were ours.

I’ll spare you the details of my extreme love for you (I’m learning that age 10 comes with “Mom, no more kisses, please!) and share more of what your dad and I see every time we are with you.

One of my most favorite things about you is that you are FUN. You wake up fun. You go to school for the fun. You try and make sure your sister has fun. When you’re graciously around kids smaller than you, your goal is to make sure they have fun. If anything, I wish that you keep on with the fun times – especially when times get harder as you get bigger.

Currently, you love sports – from the Texans to the Falcons and of course, our Astros. You love American Ninja Warrior, too. We love watching you love all these things. Why? Because you have big dreams to be in their shoes one day. And, we have no doubt you will be there changing lives just like they do. Remember to be like the good ones though – the ones who are heroes off the field and off the warp wall. Remember to be kind like that while using your talents to reach those goals.

And to that big brother status – you’re a good one, G. From the moment you just knew I was having a girl to current day when you’re talking that little sister out of her latest antic. You’ve been one she can look up to every single day. I want you to know how much I appreciate your taking care of ME when that little girl pushes my buttons. I don’t think I ever told you that I love when you reach for my hand when you sense my nerves are on edge. You reach over and tell me you love me. Just when I needed the reassurance the most. I appreciate that love you give me, and I’m sorry for when those rough moments are rough on you.

For now, I can’t wait to sneak you out of school and take you for a treat. You deserve all the good coming to you as you turn 10. My wish for you this year is to keep the fun in your heart and to keep dreaming big. No one can get in the way of your dreams because your determination and heart are so much bigger. And every step of the way, I will be there cheering you on. From scoring those touchdowns to being kind to those around you to shining that light on everyone you meet.

Thank you for making me a mom. Thank you for holding my hand. Thank you for being mine.

Happy 10th birthday, my lovey.

Thank you to my friend Maggie for the pictures of G in 2013. And to Jennifer Spencer Photography for the last photo. To see my other letter to him, click here


My Favorite Way to Challenge The Mom Brain

This post is sponsored by Jigsaw Puzzle but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

All moms know the feeling - the kids are in bed, and you're ready for some quiet. Reading a book, catching up shows, and avoiding any tasks that involve your mom responsibilities are some of my favorite after-bed activities. I covet anything that turns off the mom brain and the anxiety.

When my brain is overwhelmed with all things, it's time to decompress. Currently, I love taking a break with a puzzle using the Jigsaw Puzzle app. Their vibrant, colorful puzzles challenge your brain AND give you a fun sense of accomplishment. Mom win!

Waiting in car line or at the bus stop? Long wait at the doctor's office? It's puzzle time - grab the Jigsaw puzzle app and challenge yourself. Playing on the app feels just like doing a puzzle on your kitchen table (bonus: no mess). The beautiful puzzle packs include patterns with nature, animals, food, artwork, and crafting. They also include work from famous artists who focused on European Landscapes, the Americana Summer, and Enchanted Gardens.

My favorite features are that you can also play up to 1024 puzzle pieces on tablets and 400 puzzles pieces on your phone - including daily puzzles to keep things interesting! Search for puzzles that align with your interests (crafts, travel, food, and more). And if you want to kick it up a notch, you can choose your music as well as an adjustable time clock to boost the challenge.

I preach quite a bit about making time FOR you and ABOUT you. A good game/app turns of my anxious brain, and this Jigsaw Puzzle app does just that! Are you ready for a brain break? The Jigsaw Puzzle is available in the App Store as well as Google Play and the Amazon Kindle Fire.

The mom brain is a real thing - our brains are full of schedules, plans, goals, and worries. I love opening my phone to an app that challenges me and turns off all the anxiety of that day. My kids also took hold of the app and love it, too!

 But, I always get it back because when it's my time, I am all about the puzzles!

What's your favorite way to challenge your brain?

Learn more about the Jigsaw Puzzle app HERE